Cat’s out of the bag!

Today we told our team’s at work we are going on a 2 year leave of absence.  All day leading up to it I was nervous and shaking, not because I was scared of what they were going to say but because now it’s even more real.  No turning back anymore!  But that’s okay…  I think it’s good to be scared about it because it’s going to be a challenge.  I’m excited and terrified at the same time, but that’s how I know we’re doing the right thing!  Everyone at work was happy for us and I appreciate the support they showed.  We’re leaving a great group of people and I hope they will let us return when our voyage is over in 2 years.  For the next 3 months we will be working hard to turn over assignments at work and complete our extensive list of todo items.  Then we’re off to places unknown.  I guess we’ll figure that part out when we get there…