My Mom (Sally) and her friend from the library Kay came out to visit in early October. We had such a great time and their visit was really fun. Here’s the first post chronicling our adventures! 🙂
The boat was based in Annapolis, but we rented a car and explored everywhere from Baltimore to Monticello! With the government shut down and virtually everything in Washington DC closed we decided to head to Virginia for a night and visit Monticello.
It was our good luck on the way down that we saw signs for James Madison’s Montpelier. Since we’re such easy going gals we decided that would be a great stop for the afternoon and then we could head to Monticello in the morning. James Madison, our 4th president, is considered the Father of the Constitution. We got to tour his home and enjoy the beauty of Virginia. Unfortunately that beauty also included Stink Bugs! These beetle like creatures fly and love to land on you to take a rest. I definitely was not a fan!
After a nice afternoon and a good dinner we headed out the next morning to go to Monticello. My Mom said this was a place she had always wanted to visit so was thrilled that we were going. Her excitement was infectious and we were all really looking forward to our visit. We got there and got our tour assignment and then rode a bus up to see the mansion. The mansion had many interesting features…. Kay remembered from a previous visit that it was designed so every room had natural light. It was really nice inside and I love all that light. Thomas Jefferson had designed a clock in the foyer that would not only count the hours, but the days as you went through the week. He also slept in a bed that was 6ft 4in long and he was 6ft 3in tall! This bed was in a wall and you could step out on either side, into the actual bedroom or into the den type room. I have to mention too that Kay is great to have on a tour. Her inquisitive nature led her to ask many questions and I’m sure we learned much more than any other group! Thanks Kay! 🙂
After a great visit to Monticello and some good shopping in the gift shops we headed out. We didn’t get too far though because lunch at Michie Tavern was calling. 🙂 They have an excellent homey buffet with all the folks who work there dressed in costume. It was delicious and fun too.
After lunch we headed back to Annapolis. My Mom and Kay loved being on the boat at it’s mooring ball in Spa Creek. They even liked the dingy rides back and forth to get there! I’m glad they both are adventurous. It made for a really fun time.
p.s. Coming up is more on our adventures in Batimore, Mount Vernon and D.C. and even Steven and Rosemary make an appearance!