So the boat is for sale and we have our flights booked back to the west coast. We took Ryana out for one last sail to move her to the South River where she’ll be able to be viewed and hopefully find her new owner! If she doesn’t sell by mid October we’ll move her south, but for all we know this could have been the final sail!
It was a beautiful day and the Bay was full of people out boating. The wind was brisk and from the right direction so we hoisted sails and headed out.
We settled in to the new marina, at least Stanley made himself comfortable. Now just the final packing and we’re off!
Well, Stanley looks very sad. And I’m sad that I can no longer virtually follow along on your travels, but I’m looking forward to seeing what comes next!
I have been following the blog from the start and daily would check my email for any new post 🙂 :)…. this is so adventurous, exciting, amazing … I will miss you posts and pictures….But, would like to see more from you guys…All the best 🙂 🙂