Tag Archives: Mount Desert Island

Bah Hahbah (Bar Harbor) on Mount Desert Island

Bar Harbor is the “big” city on Mount Desert Island.  We were able to ride the free buses there from where our boat was docked in Northeast Harbor.  It’s actually a really nice service where LL Bean pays for free transportation all through the island.  Since our boat was docked in the well protected but with nothing at all going on Northeast Harbor we were happy to be able to get over to Bar Harbor for a little fun.

Bar Harbor is pretty fun and we met a nice local girl who gave us the low down on where to go.  She knew all the good happy hours, best dive bars and yummiest pizza!  Besides eating and drinking Bar Harbor is a fun place to shop!  Lots of cute places even a fun dog store named Bark Harbor!

Lobsters anyone?

Lobsters anyone?

View of the harbor.

View of the harbor.

More Harbor

More Harbor

Dingy parking

Dingy parking

I couldn't get Ryan to pose in the lobster.  :(

I couldn’t get Ryan to pose in the lobster. 🙁

Lobster traps.

Lobster traps.

Enjoying pizza!

Enjoying pizza!




























Hiking Acadia

The farthest north, or “Down East” as they say, that we made it was Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island.  This was a place we had all been looking forward to.  Brett had briefly visited before but the weather was bad so he didn’t get to see much of the island.  What he remembered though was that it was beautiful and he couldn’t wait to go back!  So, what did we do on our first full day?  We got suited up for a hike up Mt Penobscot about 1200 ft above sea level.

Smiling as we start off.

Smiling as we start off.

Stanley smiling too!

Stanley smiling too!

The day was hot and, after a mile in the shade, most of the rest of the trail was exposed.  That meant there were some pretty nice views though!

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We even saw some wildlife along the trail!



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One of the funny things about Acadia is that they have all these really big lakes that they call “ponds”.  Everything there is a pond.  By their definition Lake Tahoe would be a pond!  We came upon one of these ponds when we were almost to the top of the mountain.  We were all really hot and needed to cool off, especially Stanley.  Unfortunately Stanley is NOT a water dog.  🙂   Since he wouldn’t go in willingly Ryan decided to dunk him.

Look at that face!!

Look at that face!!








Shortly after that we made it to the top.  What nice views.

Brett taking it all in.

Brett taking it all in.

At the top!

At the top!

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Even though the day was hazy and hot it was a fun hike!  Time to head down now…
