ATTN: Nancy, Dave and X

On and off for about 8 years I ran with a group at work. Many people came and went through the group but there were 3 people who were constant. Nancy, the dictator of the group, who forced (sometimes literally) everybody out on the trail every Tuesday and Thursday. X, Mr. I’m Ok with any decision, unless that decision is running to Alcosta! And Dave, well there are no words…..  🙂

Before I left they were giving me a hard time about keeping up with running. Nancy thought I should get a treadmill for the boat and Dave and X thought I should run circles around the boat each day! I know for a fact that they didn’t believe I would ever run again!

This is X’s commentary when I told him I would keep up running:

This is what I think what will happen:

June 1st, Sunny, two days on the boat, it is boring, I need to drink some beer.  

June 2nd, Sunny, I think I need more sleep.

June 3rd, Raining, Not sure what I am going to do, there is no TV on the boat. Beer sounds a good idea.

June 4th, Sunny, Virginia, here I come, time to go to Costco for Pizza and Beer.

June 5th, Raining, Nothing else to do, I think I will buy a satellite tv

June 6th, Amazon is amazing, I receive my Satellite today

June 7th,  I have Oprah on my TV, finally I can watch her in the afternoon, more beer.


Dec, 10th, I will definitely add running in my new year resolution. 

Well, it’s taken two months to get here but today on June 23rd I ran for the first time. And no….we don’t watch Oprah. 😛

And since nothing actually happened unless there is proof here is a picture of Stanley and I setting out for our run!

Stanley and I setting out on our run.

Stanley and I setting out on our run.