We spent 2 days at the Land & Sea Park at Warderick Wells. It’s gorgeous there and they like to say that outside of boats and their ranger station you can go up the hill and see only nature. We had heard good things about it from our friends Kirk and Donna on Ainulindale so we were excited to check it out.
Our first afternoon we walked around the island checking out the sites. We saw lots of pretty views of the water and a lot of curly tailed lizards. There is also a walk where you go past some old abandoned stone houses which are cool. Everywhere you go you are walking on rocks and often times there are big holes in them! We had to constantly be alert.
There were also cool sand bars that we explored. I think that what Stanley might miss the most when we go back to the US are these sand bars! Or maybe I’ll just miss watching how cute he is running and splashing around.
And here are some awesome pictures of our view.
One of our all-time favorite places! Hope you enjoyed it!